Saturday, October 15, 2011


God: I don't claim to know who it is or what it is, I just know it is.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Been A Long Time... I shouldn't have left You...

Soooo its been a LONG time! I'm sorry, but I was away for good reason. I am going to give a brief update because like everyday I am sooo busy! But I will keep up with this more. Things have been pretty great!

1. My hair is an inch and a half longer

2. I lost 10 pounds! YAY!!! (10-15 more to go)

3. I have my own website

4. I am now recording my own music and making my own beats

5. I got a promotion at one of my jobs (just the beginning for that)

6. I am working on my album.

7. I got cable! (Which makes visitors very happy lol)

There is so much further to go. I still haven't been going hard as I can with my goals and I am about to turn it up. As soon as I log off this Blog... It Begins.

Before the year is out I will lose 10 more pounds. I will have my website completely up and running, and I will be happier than ever. Here are some updated pics. From my first post until now you can see the change.