Saturday, January 3, 2015

Deprogramming Racism

Racism is created. It is manufactured. 

Black people nothing is inherently wrong with you. People around the world do not organically hate and distrust Black people (those of African decent) they are programmed to do so. It is all around. In the negative images of Blacks circulated around the world. Its in the systematic operation that keeps Blacks from owning any portion of the Global pie on a significant scale. At the end of the day Black people have to take control of the propaganda about us. We have to broadly control the images that are circulated about us. That is step one. 

-We have to teach about those African kingdoms, royalties, and advanced civilizations in schools, not just to our own but to everyone. We have to push to get this in all school curriculums. NO MORE STARTING OUR HISTORY AT SLAVERY!!!
- We have to produce movies, books and shows that are about African empires, African Kings and Queens, the highly efficient African societies that existed hundreds of years ago. NO MORE SLAVE STORIES! Start telling stories of our natural place in the world. 
- Own our own major movie distribution companies. We have to be able to go to our own to get money to finance our movies and television shows.
- Have a Black person at the helm of one of the 4 major broadcasting networks. 
- Give more ratings, views, and support to positive Black music, movies, and images. 
- Make it a point to buy at Black businesses. Also make those Black businesses top quality. Those Black businesses also must cater to people other than Black people. To broaden our dollars and creditability we have to have universal products and businesses. Like it our not, global power won't be gained by alienating other groups. 

If people are programmed to hate Black people, then we have to program them to respect us. The answer is staring us right in the face. The cure is always closest to the disease. We feel "we shouldn't have to prove anything." It's not about proving or vying for appreciation, its about creating the narrative we want to be told, and if you know anything about the human psyche this solution will be apparent. Throughout history so many governments and regimes have used programming to their benefit why don't WE see the value in this? We have to start taking things that are used against us and using them for our benefit. There are tools at our disposal that have been proven to work for centuries, its time we became masters of those tools. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Black Code

Racial Allies

Why every time Black people want to do something for themselves and improve their situation communally, someone outside the race has to attack it and call it racist? But yet they want to be the first to throw “Black on Black” crime in your face.
Listen, it is not racist to want to improve the situations and standards of whatever group you belong; whether you’re Black, Italian, Asian, Purple, Martian etc. It is only racist or discriminatory if your sole mission is to exclude a group outside your own. 
Let Black people do what they need to do at this time to make sure they have equal education, economic equality, and social equality. As human beings we should support ANY group that is actively working toward improvement. 
We should all be allies to each other in the quest for self love, self reliance, and self preservation. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

So for 21 days now I have been going to the gym at least 3 times a week and not eating any complex carbs like bread, pasta, or rice. (All my favorite things). I thought that I would be super skinny by now, but I have seen minimal progress. The progress that I have seen has been with how I feel. I feel lighter on my feet, more energetic and I can last longer at the gym. I'm going to keep at it because I finally noticed a difference this week, so I guess it won't be a quick fix, I have to get in the mind frame that this is a long term thing. Meanwhile I'm going to enjoy it. Exercising does make me feel good. I need to get some carbs back in my life though lol. I set a deadline to go the entire month of July without carbs and then continue on a low carb diet. Lets see if I can stick to my guns this time.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Natural Hairstyle #1

I am currently trying some new products on my hair. I am trying out an organic shampoo and conditioner from Nature's Gate on my hair. I used it Friday, I'm unable to tell any major differences yet. My hair has become thicker and the curl pattern more defined. 
I also have been trying out different hairstyles that others with natural hair can recreate. This is one I did yesterday and it was easy to do and I did the twists and braids type big so they can be manageable. 

The Corkscrew
I braided my hair at the roots so it can stay then twisted the rest. I also did my bangs if I want I can undo them and have the bangs like a curly twist out. I cornrowed (still learning) the front portion and twisted the back.