Thursday, July 8, 2010

How I Beat Depression


* Lose interest in activities they normally enjoy
* Isolate themselves from others
* Find little pleasure in life
* Experience poor memory
* Have trouble concentrating
* Neglect responsibility and appearance
* Feel sad, disappointed, confused or anxious
* Have aches and pains, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep problems

You may be depressed if you're having these feelings nearly everyday for 2 weeks or more.

* Feeling empty
* Inability to enjoy anything
* Hopelessness
* Loss of sexual desire
* Loss of warm feelings for family and friends
* Feelings of self blame or guilt
* Loss of self esteem
* Suicidal thoughts or actions

* Sleep disturbances such as sleeping too much or too little
* Lack of energy
* Eating too much or too little
* Weight loss or weight gain
* Unexplained headaches or backaches
* Stomach aches, indigestion, or changes in bowel habits

Depression is a medical disease, caused by a neuro-chemical or hormonal imbalance. Depression is caused by certain styles of thinking. Depression is a result of unfortunate experiences. Trauma.

Family History of depression may increase risk.

There is a type of depression caused by weather it's called "Seasonal Affective Disorder" (SAD). This is depression that results from changes in the season. Most cases begin in the fall or winter, or when there is a decrease in sunlight. They treat this with something called "Light Therapy".

Therapy, Medication, And the way I did it!

I'm not a fan of medication because I believe it covers up the problem without necessarily solving it. I didn't have the funds to run to a therapist every week so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I researched and realized there was a way I could battle the blues myself. If you are like me, try these natural methods. Allow up to a month to see a difference. Do them all together.

FOOD- Here are some foods that help regulate the chemical serotonin improving your mood. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that is believed to regulate mood, sleep, appetite and sexuality.

EAT:Sweet Potatoes, whole wheat bread, tuna, flaxweed, spinach, chicken, mushrooms, salmon, mackerel, walnuts, avocados, bananas, fish, canola oil. AVOID: Foods containing omega-6 fatty acids, such as corn and soybean oils.

- Eat breakfast, even if its a breakfast or granola bar, or a piece of fruit on the go.
- It is very important to have a balanced diet. I'm not suggesting you deprive yourself, but often people suffer depression are not getting what their bodies need, and depression is its way of begging for certain nutrients. Incorporate meat, whole wheat, vegetables, fruits, and fish into your diet.
- CUT BACK ON SODA! There is absolutely NOTHING nutritious about soda. If you drink soda once in a while its ok, but if this is the majority of your liquid intake there is a huge problem. Instead of you or who you live with buying Pepsi or Sprite substitute that for juice. Juice is real good and a lot better for you.
- CUT BACK ON THE FAST FOOD!!! These foods throw off your brain chemicals because of how they prepare them to make them last or have more flavor. Don't believe me, try to go without fast food for a month, you'll feel so much better. I know your human and you'll probably have moments when you crave some, I'm not telling you to eliminate, notice I said "cut back". Cut your fast food and soda intake by half and I guarantee you will see a difference.

EXERCISE- Any amount of physical activity will increase endorphins. Endorphins is a chemical that is released in the body that cause "happy feelings" Laughter also causes this to be released. Even more spectacular.... ORGASMS cause the release of endorphins. Now tell me that's not a feel good component!!! *wink*

A lot of people don't exercise because they have busy schedules, aren't active people, or just strait up don't like it. There's good news for all of you. You can improve mood by doing little bits of activity sporadically during the day. Those things include:

- Going for a brief walk- Walk around your block each day, or to the post office. Or instead of taking the bus or train and wasting carfare (or driving and spending a fortune on gas) walk to where you have to go if its close enough.
- Doing housework- Cleaning up your room, or sweeping ARE physical activities.
- Going to the park with your children, or playing ball with your friends, swimming,etc.
- Those who watch a lot of TV, turn it off for an hour and you'd be surprised what activities you will enjoy.

VITAMINS- Take a multi-vitamin everyday with food. I recommend for women "1 a day womens" and for men "1 a day mens". Centrum is also good. Iron and vitamin deficiency also lead to a depressed mood so these help tremendously. Note: Multi-vitamins are a supplement NOT A REPLACEMENT. Still eat right.

PEOPLE- There certain people who may be toxic to your happiness. Examine your relationships with the people in your l!fe and if they stress you out or cause you pain more often than not, getting away from them will be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. They may not be bad people but they ARE bad for you. It doesn't matter how long you've known them or how much you love him, even a brief distancing can work help. Your peace of mind shouldn't suffer because you feel bound to someone.

Family members can also be the culprit. If its someone related to you that always has something negative to say or do about your first talk to them, tell them how you feel. They may not realize they are doing this. If that doesn't work limit association with them as much as possible. If this is someone who is physically abusing you contact a teacher or social worker immediately.

I had people in my life who validated my depression, and didn't help me. Once I got away from them I got a peace of mind I hadn't had in a while.

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